An Eye
Made Quiet Loose Canons One: Loose Canons Two: Pastoral Elegies Wayzgoose Pamphlet Number One Wayzgoose Pamphlet Number Two |
Books in Print
from Barbarian Press The changing proportion of Deluxe to Regular copies in our editions exemplifies a developing trend for us, and has aroused some curiosity, so we thought it worthwhile to provide an explanation here. In the past five or six years Deluxe copies have become more requested and therefore quicker to sell than Regular ones – the opposite of what used to be the case some years ago. As a result, if a book appears in more than a single state, we are typically issuing more Deluxe than Regular copies. (This partly represents the number of our subscribers who ask for Deluxe copies by preference.) Generally, this trend began with Endgrain Editions 5: Richard Wagener – a Dialogue with Wood Engraving, when advance requests for Deluxe copies while the book was still in the press were such that we issued 8o Deluxe copies and only 50 Regulars. As well as being heavily subscribed before publication, the remaining Deluxe copies were all sold within a few weeks of the book’s appearing, with the Regular copies disappearing at a more leisurely pace. We should make it clear that our sense of the Deluxe versus Regular states is not one of relative rarity: clearly that is not the issue. We see the Regular states as more affordable copies than the Deluxe, but we must emphasize that almost without exception the actual contents of both states are identical. The Deluxe copies typically differ in the binding materials, and offer some extras in the form of portfolios of strikes of the engravings in the book, or a holograph poem by a poet. Any further differences are always made clear in the page devoted to a particular title on the website. On average we publish two books a year, one sometimes more substantial than the other – for example, an addition to the Endgrain Editions series, or a larger book like Sudden Immobility (2021) – and one (or occasionally two) smaller or less elaborate titles. These will often be illustrated classics or a book of poetry, or something with typographical or bibliographic interest. Often we will add an occasional pamphlet (see the Wayzgoose Pamphlets) or broadsheet. Since wood engravings are an important part of our interests as publishers, most of our books are illustrated. Therefore, a word to the wise . . . this development underlines the importance for anyone wanting a Deluxe state of one of our books to place their order as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Up to a certain point in the printing process we are able to adjust the relative proportions of Deluxe to Regular, but beyond that the numbers must be fixed. Subscribers can, of course, simply specify a desire to have only Deluxe copies when available, or can let us know their preference well ahead of publication on a book by book basis once the title is announced as forthcoming. Please look at the page for each individual book for further information, photographs of the book and sample pages, and information about prices. You can find news about books presently in the press under Books Forthcoming. Thank you for looking ... A Note about Currencies Please note that our books are priced in Canadian dollars. You can easily pay us in Canadian dollars using the various online methods, such as PayPal or Wise, which will convert your payment at the prevailing rate for your currency. Such online payments have become increasingly prevalent with our clients. Our preferred method of international payment is by the on-line transfer service WISE. You can pay by PayPal in Canadian dollars, as invoiced, with a surcharge of 4%. (When paying by PayPal you will avoid this 4% charge if you use the ‘Friends and Family’ option.) Of course we also accept payment in Canadian funds by Visa and American Express, which will automatically charge your card at the exchange rate prevailing at time of purchase. However, please note that we have to add a surcharge of 5% on Visa and 3% on Amex card purchases to cover our costs. We regret that payment by personal cheque is now possible only in Canadian or American dollars. A Note about Subscriptions If you are interested in our work, or in fine press editions, you should consider becoming a subscriber. It is economically exceedingly wise. It is also very simple. All you need do is contact us, and tell us that you wish to become a subscriber. Becoming a subscriber means that you undertake to buy ONE COPY of every book we publish – typically two a year, as we have described – in a state of your choice. In return for this guarantee from you, we give you a 30% discount on the retail price of each book. Please note that we must charge for postage and packing at cost. We still maintain subscriptions on the honour system, trusting that when someone decides to become a subscriber, they will continue to buy books for at least some time in the future. Some people subscribe for a few books, and then decide to cease the arrangement, and of course this is fine. However, we have had a couple of undesirables over the years who ordered one very expensive book as putative subscribers, and having received it, promptly vanished. They are honoured in the pressroom with small wax models stuck full of pins. |